Unfortunately, because of said rain...I didn't get my camera out a whole lot this weekend. My camera doesn't play well in the water....but we did manage to get off a few shots in between downpours! We checked out the local Dam (barely open, and water levels wicked low.), took a fun drive to Pigeon Forge, and the kiddos got to swim a little. Then we followed up with a wonderful dinner out with friends. See?....a little rain never hurt anybody.
Now the problem is that I was so exhausted when I got home on Sunday...all I could find the energy to do was shower, eat and crawl into bed. Which puts me a tad behind on photo challenges. A situation I plan to rectify RIGHT NOW. My sincerest apologies...but thanks for your understanding!
So without further adieu....let us continue on the adventure. Shall we?
Day 18: Your Choice..Free Day: Well, that's
We had a great time, but I can honestly say that I am happy to be back where I belong. Plus I think the puppies and the husband might have missed us a little bit. One day down...one more catch up and today's to do. Stick around!
Peace and Love!!

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