29 May 2011

Thanks and Praise...

In valor there is hope. ~ Publius Cornelius Tacitus
Heroism is not only in the man, but in the occasion. ~ Calvin Coolidge
Bravery never goes out of fashion. ~ William Makepeace Thackeray
For love of country, they accepted death. ~ James Garfield

That's what it takes to be a hero, a little gem of innocence inside you that makes you want to believe that there still exists a right and wrong, that decency will somehow triumph in the end. ~ Lise Hand
Perfect valor is to behave, without witnesses, as one would act were all the world watching. ~ Francois de la Rochefoucauld

Today, and everyday, we remember those whose heroism and valor exceed our own. I am thankful for those who serve...and I am proud of the sailor here at home. May we take a moment to continue to pray for safety, security, and homecomings.
And hope for peace.

26 May 2011

My New Assistant...

Just want to send a great big shout out thank you to my little helper minion for designing my blog! Didn't she do a great job?! I asked for something bright, summery, and cute...and she gave me all of that..plus a quilt! Maybe she should be in charge around here....nah...maybe not!
So thanks Small for being so artistically creative! You Rock!

24 May 2011

Summer's Coming!...

And in case you were wondering...you can find me here...

That's right..toes in the water, ass in the sand (as they say in the song!). I might consider working and posting some new pictures for all of you...maybe. But more than likely I'll be in the sun.
But keep checking..you know..just in case it rains or something!

08 May 2011

And So It Goes....

So the contest results are in...and after viewing the finalists...Yep...I have alot to learn. I know that portrait photography is maybe not so much my calling. I think I am OK with that. For now. And as they say in Hollywood, 'It was an honor just to be nominated.'...or something like that. So I will stick to what I know, and what I love, and what I am relatively good at (or so I have been told.)...and leave the people to other people! But thanks for the kind words and the ego boost!!!
~~I am an amateur and I intend to stay that way for the rest of my life. Andre Kertesz
So...that said. Back to comfort zone. Here's what I did yesterday...

Steel Drums and salty sea air! Summer is coming!! What a great way to welcome her home! I have some projects in the works these next few days...so be on the lookout for those. As always, I love having you here.

05 May 2011

Buying some time...

I am looking for something to keep you guys busy whilst I look for creative endeavors!! So scrolly scroll down and take a gander at the following offerings:

Neato Mosquito, right? I got stuff to keep you busy. No need to go elsewhere. I'm still working here. (Just keep lovin' the Eos...cause Eos loves ya right back!)
Enjoy! Peace!

Snap Block...

I think it's much like writer's block..but for photographers. So anywho...I have it...and I need it to go away. Immediately. I am out of ideas.....what should I do next? Here is a checklist of recent outings....

Colonial Williamsburg~~Check. (although I need to revisit.)
Eastern Shore~~Check. (although I need to revisit.)
Norfolk Botanical Gardens~~Check. (although I need to revisit.)
Washington D.C.~~Check. (although...there is obviously a pattern forming here.)
Mount Trashmore~~Check. (Hmmm.)
My Neighborhood~~Check. (no need to revisit!)

So....help me out dear readers. Tell me what YOU want to see and I will do my best to accommodate! For serious..I am dying of boredom here! I need to be creative! My camera has staged a mutiny and is threatening divorce if we don't do something soon!
(I think I am planning a small excursion to the beach this weekend for an international festival. Just thought you should know!)
Send me those suggestions...quickly! Please, please, and pretty please?

01 May 2011

Walking backwards...

I am a sucker for history. I love traipsing around in an old timey village. I adore the gardens, the brick sidewalks, the cobblestone streets, the shake shingles, the hand forged iron work. I spent a lovely afternoon photographing Colonial Williamsburg yesterday....May I show thee about?...

There ye be. You are ever so welcome. Blessings abound!
(Your humble servant....)