31 May 2013


I had a really cool plan for today, but due to aforementioned technical issues, heat, illness, and today's uncooperative weather (rain)...unfortunately...I have to invoke a little 'creative license'.
Luckily, I am a sucker for amazing cars. So...I have a plethora of photographs to offer you. Hopefully the sunshine and blue skies present in the photographs will boost all of our spirits and get us ready for a weekend full of friends, family, fun, and love! I know I am certainly ready!!

Day 31: Vehicles: A blast from the past! A few of my very favorite shots from some shows I have attended...and just some extras for fun!

We completed the photo challenge for this month!! And with minimal crying or bloodshed! I would say that's a resounding success!
Actually, it's been a ton of fun. Really happy that I had good friends sharing the journey with me, thankful for advice and a ton of help (especially from Hubs and Small), and appreciative of ALL the kind words and encouragement!! Looking forward to pushing the comfort zone a little bit more next month...stay tuned for it!

See you tomorrow....with another great challenge!
Peace and Love!


We experienced some technical difficulties yesterday. Because of that, I was not able to post yesterday's photo challenge. My apologies to all of you.....
Yesterday was buildings. It just so happens that over the course of this month...and this challenge...I have captured quite I few. I have been saving them up...knowing that I would require their assistance later on. Seems we have met that day.

Day 30: Buildings: Just some random captures I have made along the way this month....I hope you enjoy them.

The random buildings I encounter during a month of picture taking. Fun, right?
Working on today's post for you...then we are all caught up for May!!! Holy Wow...hard to believe we are staring down June already! Getting ready to start a couple of super fun projects in June...so excited for that! Hoping to keep you along and entertained!

See you soon!
Peace and Love!!

29 May 2013


It's been a scorcher of a day here. The kind of day where you just can't quite motivate yourself to do much of anything beyond reading and napping. No shoes, lots of sweet tea, a good cool breeze, and sitting still. Yep....
I hope I make it through the summer.
So much is happening though. Already another photo challenge in the works for June! (And yet another one for July!), a blog challenge for June (for the OTHER blog..don't worry, I'll make sure to give you all the pertinent information!), a Summer Bucket List to tackle (also on the other blog...), travel, life, family, OH...and not to mention the actual PHOTOGRAPHY that I will be doing this upcoming month! YES...because there is some of that as well! Like I said.....so much happening. And so happy to have you along for the ride.

Day 29: Music: I probably could have ventured out and attempted to document the lyrical world....but it's HOT out there. And I have a pretty musically inclined little person that lives right here under my roof. So..I stayed in, where it's much cooler, and created art at home. Music as still life.

Getting my summer band geek on for tonight's challenge! I love that music is such a big part of Hubs and I...and that we are able to pass that on to Small. And I love that she now appreciates the arts...I hope it continues and follows her into adulthood.
As I stated above...LOTS and LOTS of fun stuff on the horizon! Stick around and stay tuned!!

See you tomorrow.
Peace and Love!!

28 May 2013


I could have taken today's challenge a ton of different directions. I could have taken pictures of the mass of books stacked everywhere in my house. I could have walked over to the library. I could have snapped a quick shot of the computer I sit in front of now (ALWAYS learning something on here after all!). I could have given you a picture of my daughter, my husband, my mother, or my dogs....all of whom teach me lessons daily. I could have taken a picture of MYSELF....I learn, I teach, I am educated. (And paid good money for it too!...Side note, but not completely off topic, stay tuned for an announcement later this summer!)
But instead I did NONE of those things.
Instead I took a walk with my daughter. Instead I cleaned my house. Instead I chatted with friends. Instead I lived and loved and carried on....which got me no closer to completing the challenge for today. But it did make me a little bit happier.

Day 28: Education: In the absence of anything smarter, or more creative, or more artistic...I am afraid this will have to do. The amazing school that my sweet Small Tall leaves behind for greener pastures. Or less recess time. Or something like that. I will miss the faces, the moments, and the memories...and I am thankful for every second we had there.

I hope that I have fulfilled the challenge for today. I do apologize that it isn't a little bit more "out of the box"...but well, it's the day after a long weekend...and I guess maybe I am still recovering. I promise something much more inventive and challenging...and maybe even a little pretty...tomorrow.
I am off to enjoy the remainder of daylight with my family. And then I believe you will find me curled up with a book, a cup of coffee, and maybe a puppy or two. Still hard at work on that reading challenge! Enjoy whatever this evening holds for you...and cherish your blessings.

See you tomorrow.
Peace ad Love!!

27 May 2013


We have had a downright loverly day here. Quiet, small, intimate. Just me and my sweet little family....pretty much just the way I like it.
Small Tall and I took a little walk earlier...and I decided that today was a great day to focus on some of the photography that I truly enjoy...botanical. That isn't really the challenge for today, but Mother Nature and I kind of have this under control.

Day 27: Purple: There seemed to be an abundance of purple...in varying spectrum...everywhere we turned. So I figured I would just share them all with you. A little color is good for you.

I hope that everyone has had a WONDERFUL holiday weekend. I just please don't want us to forget WHY we have this extended time to celebrate with friends and family. Memorial Day: The last Monday in May, on which those who have died in active military service are remembered and honored. It's OK to remember them with BBQ and parties and beer and bonfires.....it's just important THAT we remember.
While my own husband is safe and sound at home...he is a Veteran. So I am particularly thankful...and grateful for those that have gone before him, and those that continue the fight. Sometimes I forget to be humble...and I forget all that I have. So tonight I am praying the following:

Dear God, we take so much for granted. Please remind me of all that I have, and provide me pause to consider other's needs and sufferings. I ask Lord, that you stop me and break my heart as it states "let my heart be broken by the things that break your heart, God". In your very precious sons name, Amen.

See you tomorrow.
Peace and Love!!

26 May 2013

{An Animal/Animals}..

Happy Sunday Evening! Holy Wow...WHERE did the weekend go?...Seems like just yesterday we were staring down Friday. And now here we are, looking at Monday already. Good thing it's a long holiday one...huh?
Now, I don't know about all of you...but I personally have had a SUPER relaxing day! My sweet family closed my bedroom door this morning and just let me sleep away...allowing me some extra much needed sleep time. When I finally DID crawl out of bed, I drug my blanket and pillow (a'la 5 year old) out to the sofa...curled up with my book and a cup of coffee...turned on The Indianapolis 500 (A Memorial Weekend Tradition!)...and chilled with the family! Small went to her besties for dinner, so Husband got his chef on for us and we watched a movie together. Now I write this blog for you...then I am back to my book, the fam, and maybe another movie...cause hey...we got nowhere to be tomorrow!
So you know those sweet but neurotic puppies I often refer to in my posts? They spent the day curled up next to me...one is laying across my feet as I type this. I thought today would be a great opportunity to introduce them to you....as it fits the challenge and all. Plus they are just so darn cute. (But not really very photogenic!)

Day 26: An Animal/Animals: Two slightly spoiled, completely lazy, mostly irritating Weenie babies. You will notice the following things in these photographs: 1. Princess Windy LuLuBelle exerting dominance over Lord Zero Whinesalot. 2. Windy actively seeking toy, Zero not even moving. Laying in typical lazy prone position. 3. Lord Zero Whinesalot. A face only a momma could love. 4. Princess Windy LuLuBelle. Pretty much with a "I'm going to kill you now" look in her eyes. Par for the course.

There you are. My sweet babies. All 5 inch 10 pound barky madness of them. You love them too, right?

I am off to snuggle them some more....they look neglected and needy. And I need to read at least a gazillion and three more chapters. Have a blessed Memorial Day tomorrow...and remember to thank those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for you and your freedoms. We live in a great nation...let us never forget that.

See you tomorrow.
Peace and Love!!