I vote. I have opinions. I pick a party...and stick with it. But, it's personal and it's mine....and I would like to keep it at that.
All that aside...this challenge was a little tough for me. I wasn't sure how literal to take it. I considered a school...lots of politics happening there. I considered a church...a hotbed of political hypocrisy. Even despite the 'Separation of Church and State'....see, I feel a rant coming on.
So here's what I DID decide on. I had a doctor's appointment today. I knew that there were some campaign headquarters over that way. Unfortunately I was only able to locate one. I tell you this only because I don't want to appear to be choosing sides. I don't really work that way...fair is fair. The other one just happens to be top secret or something.
ALSO...I know I have promised (maybe that was just to myself..not sure.) to add new photos everyday. I have fulfilled that promise. Today however, I do want to add a few extras. Because they apply. Because I can.
Day 21: Politics: Nothing more political than campaign headquarters. And a campaign headquarter that pays homage to the Veterans (Something I, myself, am quite passionate about.). Seems like a no-brainer for today. (Extra shout out to my best friend, Lou. The best real raging Repub I know.) Photos 1-4 ~ Henry County Republican Headquarters.
A little extra treat for you all today. Last month, said best friend and I visited the most beautiful historic cemetery. Buried there are two, yes TWO, former United States Presidents. I'm not sure what could possibly be more 'political' than that. Photo 5 ~ John Tyler - President 1841-1845. Photo 6 ~ James Monroe - President 1817-1825
And remember that PROUD United States Navy Veteran Wife comment? It's fact. I am thankful every day for his courage, his commitment, and his service. We live this life...together. Photo 7 ~ Navy Life. Nothing more heartbreaking, heartwarming, or political than that.
There you have it. A little long tonight...but maybe the most important challenge of them all. As we approach the long Memorial Day weekend, let us not forget those who sacrifice for us. Let us also remember that 'politics' is what we make it....and let us hold in prayer those that fight to maintain civility.
We The People.....
See you tomorrow!
Peace and Love!!

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