15 May 2013


Remember that conversation we had about me being too literal at times...and having trouble thinking "outside the box"? Today it happened. I was SO hung up on the challenge for today...I knew that it had to be done a certain way, decided how to do it, and closed off all other ideas and suggestions. Even if I wasn't completely happy with my own.
We had a busy day here. Small had another specialist appointment this morning...so we headed over to 'the big city' for that. I figured while we were there, we might as well spend the day as a family doing fun stuff that we don't get a chance to do often....so it was a nice little mini day vacation. Minus the non-fun appointment at the beginning. I am happy to report that, for now, all is well....following a prescribed course of action and checking back in a few months. Fingers Crossed.
So back to our day and how it relates to this Photo Challenge. I pretty much made all the plans for today (mostly because I'm a micromanaging control freak...but kind of because no one else will do it.)...and therefore we did what I wanted. Funny how that works, huh? That whole "I knew how this challenge needed to go, in my head. I had a plan of action."?....I was going to Whole Foods!!! Some of you may know that due to recent health setbacks, I have been struggling with a...stricter...diet. I don't follow it like I should. But, I have made a commitment to do better. I was introduced to the Whole Foods Mecca during my recent visit to Virginia Beach....and, honestly, it was love. I do not have one close to me. So I have to force visits when in the general vicinity of one. Today was that day. As my family and I stroll through the sliding doors...my very smart Small says..."A whole wall of spices. I get it mom. You could die happily here."

Day 15: Spicy: Yep. This should do it.

Sometimes life doesn't need to be so literal. Thank you Small (and Whole Foods) for the reminder!
We also managed an amazing trip to the craft store for some fabric and frames, a lunch date, and even a few little photo pit stops as well! All in all, I'd say a wildly successful day with my very favorite people. Even if it was a little bit toasty. Thankful for the life I've been given.

Cherish your blessings.
See you tomorrow.
Peace and Love!!

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