I thought about giving you so many things. The puppies sleeping at my feet. The Amish Friendship Bread I baked the other day. The quilt I wrap up with in my reading chair. The rain trickling down the window. The vegetarian no carb dinner I am eating this evening. The collection of antique cameras on my bookcase.
All completely random.
But then, I came into my bedroom to grab a book...in order to curl up in said reading chair with said quilt and said puppies and listen to said rain. Probably with a piece of said bread (don't tell) and a cup of coffee.
And that's when I decided that the most random moment worth showing you..was that particular one.
Day 23: Random: My nightstand. Full of new books, new journals, a cup that reminds me of best friends (and holds my cough drops), and my lamp. Somewhere up there is a cool pen too...for writing in the journals (when I get around to it)...but it seems to be a little camera shy. You may also notice that black box? That, friends, is my mothers jewelry box. Filled with all of her trinkets and treasures from childhood and High School. (My personal favorite is her Pep Club Charm Bracelet!). It's kind of the glue that keeps it all together.
And because I really like all of you...and today is a random challenge...and I happened to find these on my camera...I am giving you a BONUS today! The next few pictures were taken at the Children's Hospital where Small Tall had her appointment last week. Evidently, she might have stolen my camera for some quick photography. The sea life are actually part of the floor, and the flower design..well the pictures don't really convey how stunning it truly is. It is a 3-D mural on the wall...made of metal...and I am glad that she had the forethought to capture it.
In all the random that is my life...I think that pretty much sums up the ordinary and the beautiful. And like I always say, art is where you find it. Even sitting on your nightstand.
I am off to enjoy the last remaining evening of my Small's childhood. Tomorrow is Elementary Graduation...and she will forever be older and wiser...and I will simply be her mother. I will probably be filled with sadness, and much joy, and fear, and love....and an enormous sense of PRIDE. And I am sure that I will have much more to say about it tomorrow.
And in case I need a break from all of that...I have new books..and a comfy chair...and cuddly puppies...and a cup of coffee to soothe my soul. (and maybe even some forbidden carbs.)
Keeping my heart open in prayer and love tonight.
See you tomorrow!
Peace and Love!!

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