14 August 2011

Day Fourteen..

Today we take time to smell the roses. OK maybe not roses...but certainly a few flowers nonetheless. I must admit that I did not venture out of the house today..and since I don't keep a supply of beautiful flowers on hand (actually, I might need to speak to my darling boyfriend about the lack of flowers in my life!)..I am digging into the photography files to complete today's challenge!
Day Fourteen: Flowers:

There you go. A little trip down botanical lane!
Tomorrows challenge is more than a little exciting! See you then!
Peace and Love!

13 August 2011

Day Thirteen..

Stand back! Today we concentrate on distance shooting. Like close up photography, I am still perfecting this technique. Here are my best shots. In my opinion.
Day Thirteen: From A Distance:

Please be aware that the last two were not only shot from a distance...but from a moving vehicle as well! Impressive I know! Or just really random!
A brand spanking new challenge tomorrow. See you then!
Peace and Love!

12 August 2011

Day Twelve..

I want to get close to you. Today let's talk about Zooming! And Macro! And Focal Length! HA! Look at me getting all camera geeky with you! On a more serious note, I feel the need for complete and honest disclosure...close up shots are a tad challenging for me. I don't really know why. I just know that it's something I have been working on a lot lately. So here are my best attempts at zoomy close.
Day Twelve: Close Up:

Yes..I know that there are four pictures today. That is mainly because A: I wasn't sure which one to use. B: I wanted to give you all examples of my close up trials and tribulations. C: I am feeling challenging difficult generous today!
Tomorrow we go to the other extreme. So see you then!
Peace and Love!

11 August 2011

Day Eleven..

Woo Hoo! Today we get to do something..well...fun. (not that this whole experiment hasn't been a whirlwind of giggles!) Now I realize that fun is completely relative...MY fun might be totally different from YOUR fun. But since this is my blog...and my photography...and I make all the rules...and the world revolves around me~
Day Eleven: Something Fun:

That's right! A big red slide! FUN!
More to come tomorrow. See you then!
Oh, and just kidding about the world revolving around me bit. Yeah, completely kidding.
Peace and Love!

10 August 2011

Day Ten..

Today's challenge was a tough one. I had to really dig down deep in my creative cavity to figure out how to approach it. The answer was so simple...and so randomly amusing...that it practically begged to be shared. So here you go.
Day Ten: Something I Made:

Yep. See that bed? I made it!! It's so lame I know.
I have zero Crafty Crafterson blood...you gotta take what you can!
I am uber excited for tomorrows challenge! See you then!
Peace and Love!

09 August 2011

Day Nine..

Welcome to Day Nine!! Today's challenge was a stumper.  A faceless self-portrait. What? After alot of confusion on how to handle this...a few test pictures...and a conference with the family...it has been decided that feet are perfectly acceptable! No face involved! And since we all know how much I love the beach...I decided to combine the two!
So..Day Nine: A Faceless Self-Portrait:

There you have it...my cute little perfectly polished tootsies! The whole point of this challenge is for you to get to know me better. Well...sandy feet are just about standard around here! What more do you need to know?
Tomorrows challenge is a doozy! See you then!
Peace and Love!

08 August 2011

Days Two ~ Eight..

Not a good start to the 30 Day Photography Challenge...see previous post regarding migraine. So, let's attempt to catch up this evening. I spent some serious time in the heat with my favorite Assistant this afternoon. Here's what we came up with:

Day Two: What I Wore: The pretty pajamas that I spent the day sleeping in.

Day Three: Clouds: As they looked from my front yard.

Day Four: Favorite Color: Orange. The construction fence surrounding the school yard.

Day Five: Someone I love: A twofer this evening! My baby girl and her little dog. I love them both.

Day Six: Childhood Memory: I used to rock the heck out of these little guys at the playground. Actually..ummm..I still do.

Day 7: Something New: That's the brand spanking new road in my neighborhood! The stripes are so white! And what's a little inconvenience all summer?

Day Eight: Technology: Thanks family for loaning me all your techy gizmos! One laptop, one gaming thing, and one IPod. Or something like that.

I think that just about covers the last few days! Come on back tomorrow for a new challenge!
Peace and Love!

01 August 2011

Day One..

Today we begin The 30 Day Photography Challenge! What a great way for you to get to know me..to get inside my head, my heart, and my world..and for me to do something creative!! I have discovered numerous variations on this concept...I am choosing the one that is most interesting to me (perhaps I will tackle another one next month!). I've been so excited to begin this project...and then I woke today with a migraine. Figure the odds. SOOOO....
Day One is a self portrait...I took some. But because of said migraine I look a little...well...icky. That being that...I decided it would be acceptable to use any old self portrait. I figure I can tweak the rules as I go, right? So here I am...your humble photographer...

I should mention how much I HATE to be on the other side of the lens. It just isn't natural. But I figure this wouldn't be a 'Challenge' if I wasn't a little bit challenging!! That's pretty much the most important thing about me you should know!
So there you have it...Day One on the journey! 29 more to go!! You coming along? I promise loads of adventure...and probably more than a few laughs! See you tomorrow!
Peace and Love.