26 November 2012

Indian Summer..

I had hoped that Autumn would bring lots of opportunities to crunch leaves and document the beautiful changes of nature. Unfortunately, between the Indian Summer and the torrential rains...there wasn't much chance of capturing anything. I managed to get a few pictures that I am happy with....and thought that I would share a glimpse of Autumn...Eos Style!

Just a peek....BECAUSE....it's time to move on into colder weather and some holiday cheer! Now is a GREAT time to get your sittings scheduled!!!...you know you want lovely pictures for your holiday cards!!
Give me a shout so we can get you on the books!! Looking forward to capturing the magic of YOUR holiday season!

Cheers and Best Wishes.
Peace and Love!

Brumley Farm Session.

Thank you Phil and Mary Brumley for unrestricted access to your lovely farm. I can't tell you what a thrill it is, as a photographer, to be granted trust from a client in such a way. I look forward to our next session this fall...and to many more in the years to come.
Please remember that all the images are edited specifically by myself. Therefore, you may not be crazy about black and white. You might prefer sepia. Maybe you would rather see an image glossy with vibrant tones? That's all O.K. The concept is mine, but the image is yours. Let's make it exactly what you envisioned!!
So, without further delay, I present to you The Brumley Farm Session. Take One:

There you have it.  I loved every minute of this shoot...and am anxious to capture the farm during the coming fall and winter.

Peace and Love!