30 June 2013


Typically, by definition, the word hero means a man of distinguished courage or ability. It's a person who has heroic qualities and is regarded as an ideal or a role model to others.
I agree with all of that completely.
Our hero lives and laughs with us every day. He cooks breakfast for us on Sunday mornings. He is a safe place to land. He is a listening ear. He is an anchor in the storm. He provides for us. He loves us. He keeps us safe. He teaches us. He is honorable. He is kind. He is a 20 year United States Navy Veteran. He is her Father. He is my Husband.
He is our hero.

June 30: {My Hero} :

And he's pretty darn cute, too. He is, and always will be, my very best friend. And I can't think of a better way to finish up a photo challenge month....than with a tribute to him.
Thanks for coming along this month...it sure has been interesting! Looking for something to keep us busy well into July...so stay tuned for that. But, always room on the schedule for appointments...so let's chat about that.
Blessings as we move into the holiday week. Remember those who fight for your freedoms.

See you soon.
Peace and Love!!

I'll Drink To That..

I am feeling under the weather....as in extremely ill. So I apologize for the tardiness of this post, and for the fact that there will, once again, not be much in the way of a blog. Hoping that I will be back to my usual semi healthy state very soon!
In the meantime....

June 29: {Cheers} :

Cheers to the weekend! Hoping yours is going well and that you are finding rest and relaxation. Sending up prayers for those whose hearts are heavy and burdened...keeping the faith for better days ahead.
Hoping for some healing of my own.

See you tomorrow.
Peace and Love!!

28 June 2013

Made Of Glass...

I am battling a killer migraine today...so, since you don't come here to read what I have to SAY...how about I give you a plethora of pictures today instead? Deal?

June 28: {Windows} :

I hope you are all having a wonderful Friday. Sending you well wishes for a fabulous weekend. Blessings.

See you tomorrow.
Peace and Love!!

27 June 2013

It's Not All...

Black and White. I'm partial to it. If you follow my photography you will already know this. I love the beauty of it, the simplicity, the pure artistic expression. There is just something about it that speaks to me.
So today's challenge was pretty easy for me. Because I happen to have a ton of black and white pictures that I love...just hanging out...waiting to be seen and shared.

June 27: {Black and White} :

Today is a good reminder that while black and white is a beautiful composition...it certainly isn't all there is. Life works the same way. There are plenty of gray areas. And a whole heaping bunch of colorful ones. The trick is finding the right balance.
Hoping your Thursday is filled with beauty and balance. Blessings.

See you tomorrow.
Peace and Love!!

26 June 2013


It's been crazy wicked hot here today...and between that and the scary thunderstorms, I didn't venture outside for very long. And I certainly didn't attempt to take my camera with me. A quick walk with the puppies was about all I could muster.
Luckily for all of us...I've seen a lot of circular stuff in my life. Relationships. Thinking. Talking. Life in general. Funny how that works.
There's also been some really fun stuff. See for yourself.

June 26: {Circles} :

See? Nothing more fun than playgrounds, lights, soap and buttons. At least not that I've discovered yet. But, I'll be sure to let you know.
I'm off to enjoy a peaceful house and a good book. Listening to the rain, curling up with the puppies, and quieting my soul. Hoping for peace for all of you. Have a blessed Wednesday.

See you tomorrow.
Peace and Love!!

25 June 2013


Honestly....these challenges seem to be getting just a little bit tougher each day. On the very first day of this challenge, I shared with you a day in my life. Dishes, Laundry, Dusting, Sweeping. Unfortunately...that seems to be my routine.
And I don't foresee it changing any time in the near future.
So I did a little reaching and took a LOT of creative license and came up with the following. It's pushing it...I know. I promise tomorrow will be better.

June 25: {Routine} :

rou·tine (Per Dictionary.com)

a customary or regular course of procedure.
commonplace tasks, chores, or duties as must be done regularly or at specified intervals; typical or everyday activity: 
regular, unvarying, habitual, unimaginative, or rote procedure.
an unvarying and constantly repeated formula

I couldn't think of anything more unvarying and constantly repeating as time. And it dictates my routine.
I hope your Tuesday has been anything but routine. Blessings.

See you tomorrow.
Peace and Love!!