Shrek: Ogres are like onions.
Donkey: They stink?
Donkey: They make you cry?
Shrek: No.
Donkey: If you leave them out in the sun, they turn brown and start sprouting little white hairs?
Shrek: NO! Onions have layers. Ogres have layers.
Since I don't happen to live in the swamp with Shrek for a neighbor, Ogre was clearly out of the question. I briefly considered a selfie this I was uncaffeinated and very ogreish. But that seemed a little defeatist, and really not very nice. Plus...we all know that I am basically amazing. Or by now you should.
Day 22: Layers: By process of elimination (see above paragraph)...that leaves onions. No problem. I have a few of those just hanging around my kitchen. Photos 1-4 ~ Onions. They have layers.
And because I was super productive today, I happened to decide that this also qualified for today. My bed has layers. Lots of pillows. Layered. Photos 5 & 6 ~ My pretty summer bed. Made with vintage sheets. Actually...I'm ready to curl up with one of my new books and probably nap.
And just for fun...Photo 7 ~ Rolls of bright layered fabric. Ready for wreath making. And summertime.
There you have it. My interpretations of today's challenge. Having fun working through the kinks!
Speaking of kinks, I challenged myself to read 50 books this year. (Which, at the time I thought was a low ball estimate. I might have been reaching a little.) According to my chart, I am 5 books behind schedule!! Not cool! So, dear sweet lovelies, I am unplugging this weekend in order to catch up on some much needed book time! But have no fear, I will take a few moments each day to update my photo challenge of the day! Wouldn't want to leave you hanging!!
In fact, I think I will start on one of my newly acquired books this evening. Got the windows open, a cool breeze blowing in, and soft vintage sheets. Add a nice cup of coffee..and undoubtedly a couple of needy weenie dogs...and it's pretty much my own little slice of heaven. Love my life.
Keeping prayers for those in need, and sending up lots of love and kisses.
See you tomorrow!
Peace and Love!!

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