Yesterday however was a totally different story.
June 10: {My Sunday} : I thought it might be easier if I just showed you what I did...since this is a photo blog and here we go. There was some time spent here...writing and editing. Trying VERY hard to get that book ready to go out. It's happening. Soon. I hope.
There was a little bit of time spent in quiet reflection..reading and praying. It's Sunday...that's time with God.
I took in a little of this.....therapeutic and restorative.
And when the sun when down...see that sofa? I planted myself firmly and comfortably on it for a Snapped marathon and a movie with the husband.
And when all that was done....there was definitely some of this...sleeping and snuggling with some really cute puppies...and a really tired husband.
My Sunday. Hoping that your week is beginning well, that you are finding bliss, and that your blessings are plentiful. Hard to believe that we are already into the second week of June...and that Summer is in full swing. Gearing up for a celebratory weekend here....already feeling the love.
See you tomorrow.
Peace and Love!!

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