19 June 2013

In Darkness..

It's been a difficult few days. I am in the middle of some pretty major changes in my life...learning about who I am and what I want, finding joy in the transformation process, and letting go of people that hinder forward momentum, and eventual happiness. It's hard to release people that hold a significant place in my heart...it's heartbreaking and painful..even if, deep down, I know it's for the best. I accept the fault that is mine...and I will shoulder the burden of guilt. I am sorry...and I am suffering. But life must go on...and change is inevitable...and, eventually, we all must heal.
So, I am making changes. In myself. I am learning to let go of pain. I am learning to trust myself. I am learning to be stronger than I feel. I am learning how to control my inner demons...bitterness and resentment and jealousy. And  I am learning to find joy...keep joy...and overlook those who try to thieve it from me.
I am a work in progress. But, I am striving for better. It will be a rugged uphill climb...but I have faith.
And now you know.

June 19: {Shadows} : Small and I took a VERY therapeutic and relaxing walk earlier. Sometimes she knows exactly what I need. We took some pictures...unfortunately, none that fit today's challenge. Not for lack of trying...it just sometimes works that way. So...I happened to find a few I thought might work. You tell me...

Shadows. The dark areas, hidden from light. But also, by definition, shelter or protection. Maybe our dark areas are nothing more than the protective places for our souls? The worst parts of life, or ourselves, that we hide from the light.
Life. What a crazy jumble of dark and light. I am learning that the trick is navigating the two. And never allowing the darkness to take over.

Praying for healing...for myself and those I love. May your day be full of light...and blessings.

See you tomorrow.
Peace and Love!

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