But back to today....
I took a little creative license with today's challenge. I had a plan that involved laying in the middle of the road for some super artsy really fun shots...but wicked hot pavement Batman! SO...instead, I opted for some other fun stuff. I'm pretty sure it's all good...and my skin is still safely attached to my body where it belongs.
June 11: {Street} :
Streets. Street signs. And even a random Nerf bullet in the street. The things I see. Creative license I tell you.
I hope you are all having a wonderful Tuesday, that you are staying cool, that you are relaxing, and that you are enjoying whatever life finds you doing! I am off to conquer a sink full of dishes (where do they all come from?)...followed by dinner preparations. Then, I think I will strive to complete the book I have been itching to finish. While sitting in front of the fan....because, have I mentioned it's hot?
See you tomorrow.
Peace and Love!!

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