My childhood was alright. My parents are good people...loving, caring, hard working. We moved around a lot because of my dad's job and my mom was a nurse. So she just picked up wherever we went. It wasn't EASY...but we survived. My parents divorced when I was young...I took it hard, even if I knew it was the best thing for everyone.
Growing up is challenging and difficult. I am sure I was no exception. My dad wasn't always around. He wasn't a stellar shining example...and I was belligerent and obnoxious. He didn't call often, he visited rarely. He forced visits sometimes...especially as I got older and wanted to spend my summers hanging with my friends, not with my old man. He was always very quick to give advice (usually unwanted), offer criticism (usually harsh), and force an opinion (usually his own.). I am stubborn and outspoken....and scary opinionated....probably because of him. Because of him, I stand up for myself and what I believe in, try things I don't know about, have no fear of the unknown, I'm able to laugh at myself, have kankles and a big butt, go back in the house 35 times before I leave due to forgetting something, and unfortunately, have no filter for my words. Most of the traits I inherited from him, I would never want to change-a filter and real ankles would be nice, though.
We've had a rocky relationship. But we grow, and change, and learn. We are slowly and gingerly doing better. And that's all anyone can ask for.
June 17: {Father} :
Photo 1 ~ My dad, his Senior Year in High School...and shortly before joining the Army. Still my favorite picture of him.
Photo 2 ~ My parents on Pensacola Beach...not long before I was in the picture. And my first dog, Olga. I loved her so much....she was my Nanny.
Photo 3 ~ My parents and I, Easter of 1977 in Tennessee...I was 2. This was right before they had my Brother.
Photo 4 ~ My Dad and I, Thanksgiving 2000 in Maryland....right before my Small was born. (I was actually pregnant in this picture.)
There you are. A rare look at my dad. I love him. Whatever else there is.
And because he's the greatest Father I have ever known (some may disagree....), a photo of my sweet Husband and my Small. He does what many men would not...he loves her, raises her, supports and keeps if it was the most natural thing in the world to do. As if there was no other option. As if this is exactly where he wants to be...and sometimes I think it is. We are blessed...and lucky...and extremely thankful for him and all that he is. And there is so much love.
I hope everyone had a loverly Father's Day yesterday....and a beautiful weekend. I am making way for lots of Summer projects and 'To-Do's' here.....brushing off the things that weigh me down....preparing for changes and new beginnings. It's time.
See you tomorrow.
Peace and Love!!

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