So let me fill you in on all that Eos Photography has undergone in the past few months. There has been a major relocation. (It's all good.). There has been a little bit of technical tweaking. And there has been a whole lot of good creative karma.
From the beginning...
I have been hard at work developing our very first website!! I am happy to announce that it is up and running, filled to the brim with photography, and awaiting your arrival. Do please stop by and let me know what you think?.
You can find it here:
I have also been hard at work peddling my wares at some local craft shows. I must admit that I was skeptical at first, but with a little gentle (not so) nudging from a very supportive friend and fan, I can honestly say that I am ready for the next chapter. I had a certain degree of success, met some great people, made some new friends and clients, and stepped out of my comfort zone. Accepting accolades and praise, having strangers critique my work, and eventually realizing that maybe...just maybe...I might be on to something-well, none of that was easy for me. I never intended for Eos to be more than a lovely that I occasionally shared with those I love. Seeing it blossom into something greater....that has been truly rewarding.
I started out with 8 images. (THAT was the hardest part...narrowing down the field!). I turned those 8 images into blank greeting cards. I know that sounds terribly old fashioned in this day and age of email and text messaging, but I like the simplicity of sending a handmade, handwritten card. It was then decided that the cards should be packaged in sets...with 2 for each season.
The packaging was beautiful. Handcrafted boxes wrapped in paper. Organic, raw, and completely giftable!
And now? Well, now I am preparing for a joyous..if not really season with the people I love and adore the most. But don't worry. I'm still hard at work...photographing life, the seasons, feelings, and people...readying myself for the next big opportunity.
Thank you all for the love, support, encouragement, blessings, and memories. The journey continues....
Peace and Love!