11 December 2013


It seems as if I have a lot of explaining to do. And a little apologizing. I had every intention of completing that riveting Photo Challenge back in October, but, as is usually the case, life had other plans. It happens....and sometimes...it's the very best thing for you.

So let me fill you in on all that Eos Photography has undergone in the past few months. There has been a major relocation. (It's all good.). There has been a little bit of technical tweaking. And there has been a whole lot of good creative karma.

From the beginning...

I have been hard at work developing our very first website!! I am happy to announce that it is up and running, filled to the brim with photography, and awaiting your arrival. Do please stop by and let me know what you think?.
You can find it here: http://eosphotography.weebly.com/

I have also been hard at work peddling my wares at some local craft shows. I must admit that I was skeptical at first, but with a little gentle (not so) nudging from a very supportive friend and fan, I can honestly say that I am ready for the next chapter. I had a certain degree of success, met some great people, made some new friends and clients, and stepped out of my comfort zone. Accepting accolades and praise, having strangers critique my work, and eventually realizing that maybe...just maybe...I might be on to something-well, none of that was easy for me. I never intended for Eos to be more than a lovely hobby...one that I occasionally shared with those I love. Seeing it blossom into something greater....that has been truly rewarding.

I started out with 8 images. (THAT was the hardest part...narrowing down the field!). I turned those 8 images into blank greeting cards. I know that sounds terribly old fashioned in this day and age of email and text messaging, but I like the simplicity of sending a handmade, handwritten card. It was then decided that the cards should be packaged in sets...with 2 for each season.




The packaging was beautiful. Handcrafted boxes wrapped in paper. Organic, raw, and completely giftable!

The framed note cards sold immediately. The Winter sets, as well as all of the Winter individual cards, sold out. I am currently down to a very limited supply of individual cards. Don't fret though...stock should be replenished and ready to go right after the holiday rush. And keep in mind that ANY image I own can be customized to fit your needs. Chat with me about that.

And now? Well, now I am preparing for a joyous..if not really busy..holiday season with the people I love and adore the most. But don't worry. I'm still hard at work...photographing life, the seasons, feelings, and people...readying myself for the next big opportunity.

Thank you all for the love, support, encouragement, blessings, and memories. The journey continues....

Peace and Love!

14 October 2013

Challenging Photo Challenge...

Shew, Yikes, and Holy Wow.....am I ever behind?!
I can't even tell you what happened, except that sometimes life just throws you a big ole' curve ball of busy. I think I've finally tackled the last of it...hopefully we can get Miss Addie Mae all up on board this week as well!
Because I have so much to catch up on....how about we just jump right in tonight? Short, sweet, and to the point. I know you don't come here to read WORDS. You come to look at pretty pictures...

Day 4 {Tools}
Pretty open to interpretation. Tools are subjective. Here's a few I thought qualified.

Day 5 {Plaid}
Nothing says fall to me like a stack of super snugly plaid blankets.

Day 6 {Window}
I've seen, and photographed, a lot of windows in my days. I could do a whole blog post on that subject alone. I will save that for another day. Moral of the story?....it was hard picking just one.

Day 7 {Open}
I couldn't translate this into photography terms in my head. What I could translate?....NOT open. As in, closed.

Day 8 {Black}
Pigs. Big, dirty, wonderful, adorable, black pigs. Because I live in farm country.

Day 9 {Eyes}
My lovely daughter. Humoring me.

Day 10 {Path/Trail}
I have traveled some lovely paths...and found that the bumpier the road...the greater the reward. And the story.

Day 11 {Pretty}
There are so many things that I find pretty. But, seeing as it's October...and it's Fall....pretty to me is a big bushel of ripe, juicy, fresh picked apples. And maybe a heaping basket of mums.

Day 12 {Looking Up}
Spent some time in the "Big City" this weekend. When you come from a small town, like I do, that's an adventure. So...looking up meant lots of skyscrapers and glass. And sometimes, that's OK.

Day 13 {YOU}
Oh, Heavens. I know I've done and said this before. Self portraits are NOT my favorite. I have certainly taken some recently (you know, in order to update social media sites and scare away pesky critters!). Since we're all basically friends, let's try something a little different.

And there you have it! All caught up!
Thank you so much for being patient, for chugging through all those pictures, and for coming back for more. The journey truly is better with friends.

See you in a few days!
Peace and Love!!

03 October 2013

Hello, October...

And hello, you.
Seems as if it's been forever since we've seen each other. Life just keeps moving forward...and I've been hard at work capturing every last drop of it. Fall has definitely arrived here in the Midwest...bringing glorious color, cooler temperatures, and hints of bountiful blessings. Today, well, today is a bit rainy...which is perfect for curling up with a good book and something fattening.
Not so good for photography.
Late last month, I began discussions with one Miss Addie Mae (not her real name) over yonder at Addie Mae Photography (an amazing photographer in her own right...see her work here. http://addiemaephoto.blogspot.com/ ). She was completely on board with teaming up for a photography challenge this month...because creativity is always better when shared! So, one was chosen...and in order to spare you all a daunting influx of daily posts, it was decided that we would post every three days. That means...lots of photography per blog post, but less clogging up your news feed and such. Because, well, we all have better things to do.
So October begins...

Day One {Falling}
I am invoking photographer rights...using creative license and opening this up to personal interpretation. Sunflowers. The "falling" of Summer. Some, literally, falling...at the end of their life cycle..still beautiful and majestic. And a random photo of my daughter, some seasons ago, catching "falling" light petals.

Day Two {Golden}
A sprinkling of fall color in a golden leaf, a rich golden Midwest field, a stunning golden sunset sky, and a little bit of geekdom gold. Because a certain golden droid is good for the soul.

Day Three {Wood}
From driftwood on the beach to firewood in the field...it seems as if I have a certain propensity for this particular subject matter. The eye of a photographer is ever roaming and random. (and doesn't that firewood just BEG for a roaring bonfire? Yes, I thought so, too.)

Embracing autumn...and welcoming a rain free weekend full of new photo opportunities. My Small is off on an adventure of her own...MANY miles away from me...this weekend, so I relish the chance to work and fill the empty spaces. I don't want to miss her...but I'm afraid it is an inevitable reality.
Wishing you all a weekend full of comfort and blessings. Thank you for tagging along on the journey...see you back here on Sunday evening!

*News/Updates/Schedule: Along with the Photography Challenge, October is working itself up to be chock full of activity! There ARE still a few available spaces on the schedule though...time to start thinking about holiday photos and gifts. It's a GREAT time of year to get outside for those family sessions!

Peace and Love!

30 June 2013


Typically, by definition, the word hero means a man of distinguished courage or ability. It's a person who has heroic qualities and is regarded as an ideal or a role model to others.
I agree with all of that completely.
Our hero lives and laughs with us every day. He cooks breakfast for us on Sunday mornings. He is a safe place to land. He is a listening ear. He is an anchor in the storm. He provides for us. He loves us. He keeps us safe. He teaches us. He is honorable. He is kind. He is a 20 year United States Navy Veteran. He is her Father. He is my Husband.
He is our hero.

June 30: {My Hero} :

And he's pretty darn cute, too. He is, and always will be, my very best friend. And I can't think of a better way to finish up a photo challenge month....than with a tribute to him.
Thanks for coming along this month...it sure has been interesting! Looking for something to keep us busy well into July...so stay tuned for that. But, always room on the schedule for appointments...so let's chat about that.
Blessings as we move into the holiday week. Remember those who fight for your freedoms.

See you soon.
Peace and Love!!