19 October 2011

Another Car Show?..

Oh Yeah! What a great Saturday! Girls Day Out started with a trip to the local Farmers Market...

From there..we followed the signs (and the road) to a field full of shiny vintage classic beauties.

And then we treated ourselves to Frozen Yogurt! I love my life!! And my girls!!
So much happening in the next few weeks. I have a newborn session, a maternity session, a great party, a holiday session with a wonderful family, tons of travel, and even some cutie patootie Halloweenies! Shew...!!!
Enjoying the little things!
Peace and Love!

08 October 2011

Classic Cars..

We headed over to the Naval Base today for some family fun. Fleet Fest...car show, live band, Navy stuff, and tours of the ships. Cool right? Yeah...since we are staring down the end of a Naval career! It was a beautiful day...the sky was blue, the sun was bright, and the cars were hot! See for yourself...

Oh yeah...I'm a 1969 Cherry Red Ford Mustang type of gal. In case you were wondering!
Peace and Love!