27 March 2011

Random Much?...

Someone said to me recently that I see the world differently...I suppose that is true. (She called me an artist..I don't know about all of that...) Creative maybe. Weird certainly. I scan everything looking for something interesting, I am fascinated by color and angles, I find beauty in the most random of places. Nothing is safe! (not even the playground!)...and you can't take me anywhere!
That being said...I thought you might like to see the world as I see it...here is a sneak peek into my brain.

See what I mean? Random I tell you. (outings with me are always an adventure!) Enjoy!

26 March 2011

What I've Been Up To...

I have had a busy week here...no complaints! It has been a ton of fun...thank you to my lovely family for visiting and picture taking with me! So now I just have to decide which ones to share here....

As you can clearly see...life is good. Enjoy!